Welcome to my website! I’m so happy that you’re here! My name is Kristen Rodzos and I’m an Astrologer! I’ve studied astrology almost my entire life (since I was 5 or 6 years old!)! I use a lot of exclamation marks (and emojis) just an fyi. It feels weird to use so many sometimes, but when I delete them, I feel like I’m not being friendly enough lol so in that vein, I would like to say that I plan to be a real person who is myself. I want to be truly myself and my hope for you is to be truly yourself. So back to my astro story, the short version is that when I was about five or six, I was looking through this gigantic book in my brother’s room…it was one of those all encompassing encyclopedia, dictionary, atlas, (job description even) books. On one of the pages I found a mesmerizing image of one of the zodiac signs and the rest is history! I would not stop reading those pages and along the way during my years growing up I would find more books on astrology and of course, I had to know everyone’s birthday/birth sign! (Sun sign of course) This was the 70’s and astrology was the THING! “What’s your sign?” was a real pick up line and of course it turned into a joking pick up line. Fast forward a little more and I’m a mom in the late 90’s and the internet arrived (angels singing haha) and I could look up anythinggggg that I wanted. First things first, let’s look up my birth chart! There it was in all its glory and guess what? I was not impressed. haha No joke, I was like, well this isn’t exciting. Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Neptune, they’re all in the SAME SIGN. There’s no variation. Nothing to learn. Nothing to see here. LOL PLUS I was a Scorpio Rising and guess what? I didn’t even believe it. Scorpio did not resonate with me. No way I thought. So I just forgot all about it (even though I would still run my birth chart here and there over the 19(!!!) years until 2017 when I jumped in the astrology waters and I have never looked back). I found out that I had a stellium(!!!) and not everyone has that (I thought everyone did back in 1998). I SO WISH I knew the actual DATE that I FIRST listened to my FIRST astrology podcast. I DO know that it was Anne Ortelee (thank you Anne!!!) and the year was 2017 and the month was November. Interestingly, believe it or not, my daughter, Tatiana and I were headed up north to Luzerne, Michigan on August 4, 2017 and while we were driving through the Huron-Manistee National Forest (the middle of nowhere) a softball sized rock came flying out of the sky on an angle and hit the hood of my car, right near the windshield😲The first thing I thought was a kid threw a rock. The second thing I thought was a bird’s nest flew out of one of the giant pine trees. The third thing that I thought was, wait a minute, that came from the sky. What in the WORLD WAS THAT?! As soon as we arrived at our friend’s cottage, I googled meteor showers and meteorites and low and behold we were actually going through part of the milky way where we experience the Perseids! I actually think that a small meteorite literally hit my car! At the time, I knew that it meant something but I didn’t know what. Looking back, I truly see it was a foreshadowing of my future career. It was also a sign to “look up”. Look up to the stars! It was a hint to know that my passion was my destiny✨
I love astrology because astrology teaches me about myself and those who I love. Astrology teaches me how I can be a better person, and how I can use the energy to help myself. I love helping others to see their gifts and the opportunities that are coming their way. I love knowing that we are all created uniquely so that we can do our jobs on earth and fulfill our destinies to the best of our abilities. Astrology brings me so much joy and happiness and if I can share that with others then my dreams will come true💖✨💖✨💖
Thank you for reading this if you did! I hope I get to meet you one day soon!